I happen to discover that there was a new pop-up happening in LaForet. The same space I visited in the past for the Angelic Pretty Museum and the Vivien Westwood: GET A LIFE Exhibit. This one was a costume exhibit for the brand KEITA MURAYAMA.
I dont know this designer at all, but when I saw an opportunity for a cool experience, especially about costumes, I had to check it out. In this case, it helped me to learn about the designer! Inside the gallery was a collection of costumes created for various performers over the past 30 years. When entering, there were messages from the designer, explaining a little bit about their journey and process. It was all in Japanese, but I used google translate to help me read it. One thing that stood out to me from the message was "Clothing you wear to sunny places. Rather, the clothing that takes you to the sunny place." So his ultimate goal is essentially design costumes and clothing that bring you to a place that is not where we currently are! This designer even created the Uta No Prince-sama costumes, which were worn during live performances! I was able to capture some photos, but some areas were restricted for photo taking (I believe the older costumes were not allowed to be photographed)
The costumes were all do beautiful and had so much detail to them! I took a closer look at several of them and many had very intricate beadwork, multiple layers of fabrics, or detailed appliques. I really did my best to appreciate these fine details that many people dont get to see from a distance.
There was also a small corner that features some sketches of the costumes in the designing stage. This is such a fun part to look at because you get to see how the costume was completely executed, from sketch to sew! That process has already been a big part of my life from, not only GHOST GiRL GOODS, but my former/half-time job working as a dance costume designer!
Along one of the walls, there was a TV that showed some clips from the various performers wearing the costumes during their live performances. They also had some photographs, including one of the groups from Uta No prince-sama.

In addition to this exhibit, LaForet had a special pop-up for the new Perfume collection! Recently, they've released a small line of clothing items. The shop had some of their costumes on display, as well as the clothing items and other goods for sale. In addition to the shop, there were several food and drink collaborations happening as well on the same floor! I stopped by Ovgo Baker to grab a charcoal scookie (scone + cookie) inspired by "Moon" and soy milk latte with their logo on it. Both were yummy and I got paper placemats included!
I hope as I continue my trip, I will find more cool pop-ups to attend/check out! As I write this post, there is only 1 more full week of my trip. I unfortunately had to miss out on some outdoor events because it's just been WAY too hot/humid here and Im not so good with the heat. But at least I can experience some other things that are just as good! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy these adventures! Until next time . . .