We'l I've finished up my rush of events for now. I dont have any events for July other than the Harajuku Walk that I'll be joining in for! I have time to take it easy for a bit.
It was DEFINITELY a big rush for me! Having Anime North, Yeticon, and Bubble Tea Fest back to back to back! I was working hard non stop pretty much since th year started, so now its nice to finally get a chance to sit back and reflect on everything I've done this far. Doesn't mean I wont be working, but definitely wont need to do as much for now.
Yeticon was my favourite so far. I has such a fun time and it was so nice seeing my friends too!
Im also still learning a lot. Im trying to constantly improve in every aspect I can and I want to keep providing great products and great service as well :)
I cant even thank everyone enough for the support. I am so grateful for everything I have and what I have achieved. I will always feel so happy when I am around those who support me and I want to share my love and happiness all around. If you are reading this, that means you are a special supporter because you took the time to read!! And for that, I am thankful!