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Japanese Candy Artist - Candy5 Mini Collaboration

It's time for a story!

I used to travel to Orlando, Florida with my family every year (specifically to go to Disney World and Universal Studios) From when I was a baby to about 2018, so over 20 years of Disney vacations! It was my dad's favourite place to go, so he always worked late and long shifts to ensure that we would have 1 Disney trip minimum each year. Sometimes we got lucky and would be able to go twice! We used to drive and take a road trip there, but my dad wuld usually be very excited and would drive straight there. The drive was about 21/22 hours you could imagine we tried to make several pit stops! Eventually we just started flying there because the drive was too long for our excitement!

In the park called Epcot, there is something called the World Showcase, where you can travel the world in just 1 day! Haha well, specifically, they had pavilions of several countries where you can learn about them, enjoy food, and shop! The Japan pavilion helped me learn about Japan and helped to boost my interest in Japanese culture! I was just getting into anime in 2008, so at that time, I really started scoping the shop for cool merchandise.

(Japan in Florida! Photo credit to