The fashion show at Tekko 2019 was AMAZING! There were some great brands being shown. An international lolita brand called Lady Sloth came all the way from Poland to participate at Tekko. I had a chance to ask designer Kate some questions about her brand.
Kate - Designer of Lady Sloth

Kate started designing lolita fashion in 2012. Her favourite part about designing is making samples. She really enjoys matching fabrics and colours together and then pairing up the lace trims, linings, ribbons, etc. Kate is most proud of the cemetery dress, which she had made 5 years ago. She re-released and was really proud of the growth she has undergone. She is also very happy that her brand is very accessable to many sizes, ages, and genders. The dress Kate is wearing in the above photo is actually her favourite print! It is called The Ball at Miranda Castle, which is a real castle in Belgium.
Lady Sloth had a booth in the dealers room! I passed by to take a look at all their goodies.
Lady Sloth SNS